Category: Global Warming
Why I write fiction novels
December 24, 2023
Why I write fiction with sci-fi, medical and sometimes paranormal bent. The Next Day. My first novel takes shape The first book I wrote was The Next Day. But, this book I published third. I think I needed to learn more about writing. I started it right after 9/11/2001 and finished it after a couple […]

How to Make Climate Change Matter
November 30, 2018
Can we beat oil-related industries and end climate change?

A Natural High
October 26, 2018
For a free ebook, click here Where do you learn about a natural high? A natural high was always around the corner where I grew up in Colorado. My dad taught me to fish and love the outdoors. I fished or hiked or ran or biked almost every day of my life. It started with […]

END GLOBAL WARMING, Three Simple Steps
October 18, 2018
For a free ebook, click here A Washington Post article about the same topic had Ten Steps and the author suggested three steps that most Americans will never do: ride their bike to work, buy an electric car, and put solar panels on their home. Too expensive, and who wants to buy an electric car in Wyoming, and […]