Vietnam, Lamar Donuts and Motorcycles

Memorial Day 2017.  The wall is back this year. I plan on going tomorrow and reading some names this time. No donuts. Don’t want to fill up before the barbecue. I’ll have a few things to say to my kids tomorrow about veterans.  We’ll see how it goes. Tune in tomorrow night for an update. […]

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War, Oil, and Family

(No one came up with an answer to my last blog. So I will keep trying.)   In my life, War and Oil are intertwined like a crown of thorns and thistles around Family. They make my love bleed. The biggest thorns are war, causing untold injuries the results of which I see and weep […]

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How to End War

After the last post, I got to thinking. My anger at war is getting too much. So here’s a different approach. The Power of Numbers(Oh goody, says Dan) It’s not so hard, really, to end war. You just have to make that your goal, every day. Get rid of hate and rage; make it your goal […]

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