Tag: war

Kony 2013

Kony 2013 Yes, I know, the big deal is the Kony 2012 video. My question: Where will this be in 2013 and how will we get there? The YouTube/Facebook video, now over 50 million views, touts getting rid of Kony, a warlord for LRA who kidnaps kids in the night, has them run his “revolutionary” army, […]

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How to End War

After the last post, I got to thinking. My anger at war is getting too much. So here’s a different approach. The Power of Numbers(Oh goody, says Dan) It’s not so hard, really, to end war. You just have to make that your goal, every day. Get rid of hate and rage; make it your goal […]

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Sanitizing War

So, you think by building schools, hospitals, and training all those soldiers to respect Muslims you can erase all the drilled-in depersonalization of the enemy, precise killing techniques, and subtle (well, maybe not so subtle) building-up of their anger after 9/11. I have read the books on war, Sun Tzu to Clausewitz, and more recently, […]

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What if EVERY DAY was Veteran’s Day, Whether you Liked it or Not?

I don’t have their problems, thank God. They had to spend months and sometimes years wondering if the next IED or RPG would have their name on a piece of its shrapnel. Or, they already got their brain pan blasted and now can’t figure out how to make a simple to-do list. Maybe they came […]

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