Author: milt

Techno-cure for the Fragile Human

Gotta be Facebook, or Twitter or Google Plus. They’re the cure for our deepest desires, the wine for our fish. They’re the REAL world, right? We can connect with the world and feel needed and wanted and . . . Ignore real people when they need us most. Video of ignoring car jacked injured veteran Are […]

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The Fragile Human

Have you ever wondered about how one day you can be on top of the world, thinking you are the greatest author the world has seen (move over Faulkner, Shakespeare and Stephen King), love your family, and wish everyone was as lucky as you; and then the next day something stupid happens: you find a dumb […]

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My Sunny Valentine

So, here’s the other thing, Dear. (In case you were wondering at the end of the last post–Just Blame Her, She Can Take It.)   How do you know when you’ve tapped into true love? Personally, whenever her smile hits me like the morning sun, chasing the ghostly worries of the night and the aches […]

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Blame Her, She Can Take it. Happy Valentine’s Day!

Have you ever wondered why someone would do something that was truly on the top of the stupid list, then you do that same idiotic thing yourself, AND THEN (because obviously you are not that stupid!?) you go and blame someone else—someone you love dearly. Last fall my wife and I were on our way […]

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How to End War

After the last post, I got to thinking. My anger at war is getting too much. So here’s a different approach. The Power of Numbers(Oh goody, says Dan) It’s not so hard, really, to end war. You just have to make that your goal, every day. Get rid of hate and rage; make it your goal […]

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