Category: motivation

A Natural High
October 26, 2018
For a free ebook, click here Where do you learn about a natural high? A natural high was always around the corner where I grew up in Colorado. My dad taught me to fish and love the outdoors. I fished or hiked or ran or biked almost every day of my life. It started with […]

Can a Hurricane Change Your Life For The Better?
October 11, 2018
For a free ebook, click here Hurricane Ivan changed my life. September 16, 2004, the day Hurricane Ivan arrived, I awoke at two a.m. to pitch black, wind howling outside, and a curious sound in the bedroom: my dog lapping water. But our wonderful blond lab, Maggie, lay at our feet, sleeping. The sound […]
Three Gifts for the Fourth of July
July 4, 2018
Music, Kindness and Reading. Someone told me we should live for these every day. (There is a gift for you at the end) One gift will add to the other, and you will be glad you did all three. For motivation, take a peak at this video of veterans reunited with family. You may only […]
What is War?
August 8, 2017
Okay, I reread a comment on my Vietnam Wall post and feel a need to explain. Getting drafted and going to Vietnam was certainly a possibility at that time, and though some men wanted to avoid it, I never really thought about it, since I had been working to get into a service academy for […]
Earth Day blues and smiles
April 22, 2013
Okay, so it’s Earth Day, again, and you have done nothing to sustain our wonderful blue and green marble. You’ve got the blues because oil is still the dominant energy source, along with the other fossil fuel, coal, polluting the land, the air, the water, and you see no cure in the near future. […]