Category: politics

Should Politics mix with Writing Stories and Songs?
October 4, 2018
Authors should stay away from politics and social activism, right? That’s what all the marketing experts tell us. Stay away from Politics or your books will bomb. Forget voting discussions. Verboten. Yet, many famous authors and writers write about current political/social issues: Faulkner–novels about corrupt politicians, the despicable plight of black people, and whether […]
Vietnam, Lamar Donuts and Motorcycles
May 30, 2017
Memorial Day 2017. The wall is back this year. I plan on going tomorrow and reading some names this time. No donuts. Don’t want to fill up before the barbecue. I’ll have a few things to say to my kids tomorrow about veterans. We’ll see how it goes. Tune in tomorrow night for an update. […]

Gun Violence and Video Games
May 20, 2018
Gun violence only needs two things: 1) a human being to pull the trigger 2) a loaded gun. A recent editorial by Steve Olson in the Loveland Reporter Herald, speaks to Video Game Violence as one of the prime causes of the number of student mass murders in school. Mr. Olson believes that […]

The New Normal. Guns, The Flip Side. We need ’em.
October 5, 2017
Welcome to the NEW NORMAL: Guns, The Flip Side. We need ‘em. (Parody: something so bad as to be equivalent to intentional mockery; a travesty. Don’t forget sarcasm. ) This is a revision of a post from Jan. 2013 after Sandy Hook in Newtown when I predicted this would be the new normal. Since then […]
What is Freedom Worth? You might not like the answer.
June 18, 2012
This Memorial Day 2017. On a Chris Hayes Memorial Day video, a mother who was just told her only son was lost in the war asked the Marine casualty assistant officer, “Was it worth it?” He replied, “I can’t answer that for you.” Why didn’t he just say yes? Because he knows that mother would filet him […]