Tag: Big Oil
Why I write fiction novels
December 24, 2023
Why I write fiction with sci-fi, medical and sometimes paranormal bent. The Next Day. My first novel takes shape The first book I wrote was The Next Day. But, this book I published third. I think I needed to learn more about writing. I started it right after 9/11/2001 and finished it after a couple […]

How to Make Climate Change Matter
November 30, 2018
Can we beat oil-related industries and end climate change?
How to get rid of guns: The 3-year plan
December 21, 2012
This post was originally written after Newtown. I’ve added some things. So here we are, one week after Newtown, one week after 20 children were killed in minutes by another man with a gun. Do we have any new laws about guns yet? Ummm. No. Lot of talk. Yibber, yabber. “Make all those automatic rifles […]
What is an American Patriot?
July 3, 2012
Are you flying your flag? Are you planning hot dogs, hamburgers and apple pie on the 4th? Did you fill your SUV with $100 worth of gas and pull your camp trailer to Rocky Mountain National Park, wade with your grandson in an ice-cold, gin-clear mountain river, hike with your daughter to a high mountain […]