Tag: father

Fathers and sons.

These excerpts from “Dan’s War” witness a soliloquy by Dan Trotter, the main protagonist, a man who has a hard time with emotion, sees prime numbers the same way he sees his loved ones, in pastel colors. Yet, he does feel for his son, Jeff, as you will read. I’ve included this video again as […]

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A Little Thing

Three years ago and some change, something happened. It was a little thing. Good things sometimes start small. And, this was definitely good. You live your life thinking, Someday, maybe. Then, that someday comes and it’s better than what you thought it would be. And worse. It’s better because it is real. It’s now. It’s […]

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Adios Amigo

Adios amigo Peter Gallagher died on 4/23. He was my stepfather, a friend really. What can you say about a friend who can no longer listen with wise ears, can no longer edit my writing with expert care, can no longer comfort and love my mother, his dedication most dear? I saw their last dance […]

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Prioritizing Life: On being a dad, doctor, and writer. Oh yeah, and a fisherman.

The New Year is all about resolutions, so try this. The lesson is at the end. It’s only 7 minutes. I’ve been a dad almost as long as the others, so it seems natural for me to compare them. All of them competed for time, that illusory wisp of the disappearing present, so how can […]

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