Tag: oil

How to Make Climate Change Matter
November 30, 2018
Can we beat oil-related industries and end climate change?

Can a Hurricane Change Your Life For The Better?
October 11, 2018
For a free ebook, click here Hurricane Ivan changed my life. September 16, 2004, the day Hurricane Ivan arrived, I awoke at two a.m. to pitch black, wind howling outside, and a curious sound in the bedroom: my dog lapping water. But our wonderful blond lab, Maggie, lay at our feet, sleeping. The sound […]
How to get rid of guns: The 3-year plan
December 21, 2012
This post was originally written after Newtown. I’ve added some things. So here we are, one week after Newtown, one week after 20 children were killed in minutes by another man with a gun. Do we have any new laws about guns yet? Ummm. No. Lot of talk. Yibber, yabber. “Make all those automatic rifles […]
Are there Miracles Anymore? Quick and Easy may not get it.
July 18, 2012
Do you have a miracle in your life? You don’t have to look far. Even the mirror will do. But, you can go to your local hospital nursery, or talk to any new parent. Human beings are born every day. If you don’t believe that’s a miracle, just think about it. Somehow two random people […]