Tag: war

Anodyne Eyes Deep Character Dive

Anodyne Eyes–Deep Character Dive

Many unusual characters work in Anodyne Eyes, my thriller, sci-fi novel. To better understand them, read below where I review Alex, Jabril, Rachel, Dan, and Jeff below. These characters are in the prequels, Dan’s War, and The Next Day. First, meet Alex, the father of Alexis, a fun-loving, adventurous guy. He works as a genetic engineer. Most […]

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Designer Babies Genetic Modification

Designer Babies-Genetic Modification

(Want a FREE EBOOK? Sign up for newsletter on right, or keep reading.) If I told you that in five years you could pick the sex, the eye color, the height, and the athleticism and intelligence of your child, would you believe me? What if I told you it was already being done? Genetic modification […]

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Climate Change and Earth

How to Make Climate Change Matter

Can we beat oil-related industries and end climate change?

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Three Gifts for the Fourth of July

Music, Kindness and Reading. Someone told me we should live for these every day. (There is a gift for you at the end) One gift will add to the other, and you will be glad you did all three. For motivation, take a peak at this video of veterans reunited with family. You may only […]

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Vietnam, Lamar Donuts and Motorcycles

Memorial Day 2017.  The wall is back this year. I plan on going tomorrow and reading some names this time. No donuts. Don’t want to fill up before the barbecue. I’ll have a few things to say to my kids tomorrow about veterans.  We’ll see how it goes. Tune in tomorrow night for an update. […]

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