Author: milt

One more problem with Self Publishing

There are loads of problems with self-publishing, but this is one that many may not have found. I decided to republish The Guide and was counseled by a good marketing firm to use a new cover and new ISBN and then give that edition a marketing push. Problem is, they had most of their experience […]

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I Fly Fish for my Heart, part 2

My brain tells me it’s too cold right now to brave blizzards, to stand in a freezing river flinging feather and fur to catch a wriggling piece of cold-blooded muscle. But my heart aches to hear the river rush and the hawk scream, smell the moss mixed with fallen leaves, to see a wild brown […]

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There’s Always Fishing

The world spins in chaos—wars, crooked politicians, mass killings in schools—the list goes on. But through all that disaster, at the end of the week there’s always fishing. Not baseball, as Kevin Costner says in Field of Dreams, but fishing. Not everyone can play baseball. But even if you’re blind you can fish—toss out a […]

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Favorite Fly

Here’s the fish I caught on the first hole on my first trip to the Bighorn River below Yellowtail Dam. Do you think I might fish with the same fly on this hole again? Yep, I do. Do you have a favorite fly? You know, the one you use when everything else is not working, […]

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Unsung Heroes

Every day I talk to another and find out things they did that no one knows, things they did that saved a piece of America. One man saved a little boy in Vietnam who later opened a Vietnamese restaurant that gave many Vietnam vets one small memory they loved about a place they mostly hated. One hated […]

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