Three Gifts for the Fourth of July

Music, Kindness and Reading. Someone told me we should live for these every day.

(There is a gift for you at the end)

One gift will add to the other, and you will be glad you did all three. For motivation, take a peak at this video of veterans reunited with family. You may only be able to take a few minutes. I needed a lot of Kleenex.

1) MusicGive one veteran something from YOUR HEART to THEIR HEART!   A song, a collection, a simple CD of music that has touched you and them in a way that makes you happy, makes you want to dance.
If you are a musical artist, give them a concert!
It’s your time to give back to the 1% that protect the 99%.

2) Kindness. Do something that will stop wars. If we stop wars, there can be no more veterans suffering from ruined lives or families due to their experience in war. My suggestion is reach out and understand someone from a different culture, particularly Muslim, as we seem to need to understand them. One of the greatest generals and former President Dwight Eisenhower noted that the biggest way we can end wars is to embrace others as people, not alien beings who just don’t speak English.

Here’s a couple of Muslims you might enjoy. The video is old, quality not great, but oh so sweet.

Please try these simple things. The results will be huge. Music brings us together, and I believe heals as well as any prescription I could ever write as a doctor.

Don’t let music, our music with each other, our love for one another, die.

If you just feel you can’t get motivated to do it, you just don’t have it in you, remember, all that stands in your way is YOU. Just Try, like this beautiful song.


3) Reading. There is one final gift you can try. Give a veteran a book.

Better yet, give them a Kindle and they can carry the Library of Congress with them, a Kindle Fire and they can listen to all that music and watch all those color videos, too.


Thanks for stopping by. there is a gift waiting for you, too.

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